My name is René, and I have been practicing for over 15 years alongside my activities as an employee.

I already had a strong affinity for magnetism, but above all, I was fortunate to learn a great deal of these techniques from a great radiesthesist in Ardèche who believed in me.

I’m not talking about a paid online course, but rather about working alongside him, at his place, with his clients, for more than three incredible years.

He passed away since then, but I continued to practice. I started my own company with the goal of developing my skills, going further, and becoming more effective.

I don’t want this knowledge to be lost.

So, I won’t make it long. I remain available to all those who wish to benefit from my skills, but I mainly intend to work with athletes whose life, balance, and finances depend on sports.

Proving through our results that these techniques work, generating income that will enable research and development to optimize these methods.

Finally, creating a school so that as many people as possible, wherever they are, can have access to these techniques.